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Nuit HPF du 23 août 2024

Chers membres d'HPF,

Nous vous informons que la 147e édition des Nuits d'HPF se déroulera le Vendredi 23 août à partir de 20h. N'hésitez pas à venir découvrir les nuits. vous inscrire !
Pour connaître les modalités de participation, rendez-vous sur ce topic.
A très bientôt !

De Équipe des Nuits le 19/08/2024 00:41

Programme de juillet des Aspics

Bonsoir à toustes !

Un peu de lecture pour vous accompagner en cette période estivale... Vous avez jusqu'au 31 juillet pour, d'une part, voter pour le thème de la prochaine sélection ici et, d'autre part, lire les textes de la sélection "Romance" du deuxième trimestre 2024, et voter ici !

Les sélections sont l'occasion de moments d'échange, n'hésitez pas à nous dire ce que vous en avez pensé sur le forum ou directement en reviews auprès des auteurices !

De L'Equipe des Podiums le 11/07/2024 22:30

Assemblée Générale 2024

Bonjour à toustes,

L'assemblée générale annuelle de l'association Héros de Papier Froissé est présentement ouverte sur le forum et ce jusqu'à vendredi prochain, le 21 juin 2024, à 19h.

Venez lire, échanger et voter (pour les adhérents) pour l'avenir de l'association.

Bonne AG !
De Conseil d'Administration le 14/06/2024 19:04

Sélection Romance !

Bonsoir à toustes,

Comme vous l'avez peut-être déjà constaté, sur notre page d'accueil s'affichent désormais des textes nous présentant des tranches de vie tout aussi romantiques ou romancées les uns que les autres ! Et oui, c'est la sélection Romance qui occupera le début de l'été, jusqu'au 31 juillet.

Nous vous encourageons vivement à (re)découvrir, lire et commenter cette sélection ! Avec une petite surprise pour les plus assidu.e.s d'entre vous...

Bien sûr, vous pouvez voter, ça se passe ici !

De Jury des Aspics le 12/06/2024 22:31

145e Nuit d'écriture

Chers membres d'HPF,

Nous vous informons que la 145e édition des Nuits d'HPF se déroulera le Vendredi 14 juin à partir de 20h. N'hésitez pas à venir découvrir les nuits. vous inscrire !
Pour connaître les modalités de participation, rendez-vous sur ce topic.
À très bientôt !


De L'équipe des nuits le 12/06/2024 12:33

Maintenance des serveurs

Attention, deux interventions techniques prévues par notre hébergeur peuvent impacter votre utilisation de nos sites les 28 mai et 4 juin, de 20h à minuit ! Pas d'inquiétudes à avoir si vous remarquez des coupures ponctuelles sur ces plages horaires, promis ce ne sont pas de vilains gremlins qui grignotent nos câbles ;)

De Conseil d'Administration le 26/05/2024 18:10

Reviews pour Hermione is scared

Laissée par : Pattenrond le 24/10/2013 01:43 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
Well, I have to say it's the first English Harry Potter drabble I read. I thought it was great. I love the play you did with the words "scar" and "scared". But really what was best was the story. I always find incredible how some people manage to put so much actions, feelings in only 100 words. Your drabble was no exception, except maybe yours have a bigger story. We don't know exactly what happened, since it is not canonical, but we can imagine and build our own story. And the story I saw, even though it is not exactly a happy one, was one I enjoyed for all you say in so few words. And Hermione reacts so much like a victim should that it's almost sad. Well, okay, it is sad.

Laissée par : Gingegger le 26/10/2011 01:48 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
Encore une fois, ce n'est pas moi qui ai écrit ce commentaire ! Rhaaa, mais ça m'énèrve ! (le niveau d'anglais était déja mieux, mais tout de même !).
Bref, je te laisse un petit commentaire, histoire que ça serve au moins à quelque chose. J'aime beaucoup, même si en lisant le livre rien ne m'avait laissé pensé qu'Hermione fut été touchée par ce... gleurk.
bref, super drabble (déprimant mais super) !

Laissée par : Gingegger le 25/10/2011 20:43 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared

Poor Hermione... *cry* I think you're really bright, if you maternal language is french, and you can write something english... Wow.

I really like it, but that's short. Anyway, where do you learnt to speak english ?

Réponse de l'auteur: Thank you! It's a drabble, it's supposed to be short ;) I learnt a bit of English at school, and the rest by myself ;)

Laissée par : AredhelMustang le 21/08/2011 11:46 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared

I know, doesn't sound really English, but nevermind.

At first I couldn't figure out who the hell Hermione could be thinking about this wayabout and then it was crystal clear. Greyback or Scabior, of course. I thought about one of Gudulette's one-shot and realised that your drabble is kind of complementary to "Redulance". Your work is brilliant as usual. I never understood how one can write drabbles, but it happens you are one of those who can do it. You are skilled. I'm jealous. These emotions you gave us with a thousand little words shan't be legal (in my own private language, it means "congratulations").

Réponse de l'auteur: Thank you Aredhel. I don't deserve all these compliments, but I gladly accept them.

Laissée par : Damedecoeur le 28/07/2011 11:40 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
Hey, I learnt new vocabulary : "jaw" ! Bon, je ne me lance pas dans la review en anglais par peur du ridicule (eh non, je ne suis probablement pas une Gryffondor dans une autre vie...xD). J'ai bien aimé, mais dis moi, il me semble que tu extrapolles par rapport au canon non ? Sinon j'ai manqué quelque chose. Il faut vraiment que je relise les livres. Un joli texte en tout cas, très sensible.

Réponse de l'auteur: Oui, j'extrapole, je ne crois pas que Hermione ait été touchée par Greyback. Cependant, les insinuations étaient clairement là, à mon sens...

Laissée par : jukava le 02/04/2011 23:05 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
I thought it was Greyback when I first read it, but now, I'm pretty partial with Scabior. IDK...

Réponse de l'auteur: In my mind it is Greyback, because I value the books much more than the movies. But either way this drabble is not so canon, as I don't think it went further than threats and a few strokes of her hair or her cheeks with any of them. So all in all you can pretty much put anybody in the role of the guy.

Laissée par : Sianehta le 02/04/2011 21:45 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
Pretty well done... But I think I prefer your french drabbles. Maybe your sentences are a bit too long, which makes the comprehension more difficult. And also some words I wouldn't have chosen for such a short text. But I still liked it! (And I'm sorry to criticize your drabble like that, I wouldn't be able to write better anyway, and in french neither^^...)


PS: Since you're writing in english, could you maybe send me the end of the translation?

Réponse de l'auteur: Don't be sorry to criticize, it is normal! I am sure this drabble is far from being perfect, I still have to improve my English skills. It's weird you did not get the other half of the translation though! I'm pretty sure I sent it to you ages ago! Anyway, I'll look for it in my computer and send it to you tomorrow - right now, I'm off to bed ;)

Laissée par : Akasora le 28/03/2011 15:21 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
Horrible to think Hermione went through something like that, yet so possible !

I like this drabble, original because everytime I read Hermione was raped, Draco was here to wipe her tears away and then she forgets everything about it and lives happy with him who turned out to be the perfect guy. Anyway, very good drabble, and I'm starting to think your imagination has no limit :)

Réponse de l'auteur: I know what you mean about the Draco stories... Urgh, they are just plain awful! Thank you so much for your kind words! =)

Laissée par : Dunne le 26/03/2011 20:30 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
Stories like yours are just awful. Not the way it’s written because it’s well written, there’s no doubt on it. I don’t feel very comfortable with the situation (I mean rape and harassment in general) I think it’s probably normal but I read because I love the way you write and almost all of your texts are little “jewels” . And again I’m not disappointed. Without describing what happened there you pointed out all the consequences of such an “act” and that’s powerful. There’s nothing to add. In hundred words you said everything.

PS : I won’t say thank you for sharing this because right now I’m uneasy.

Réponse de l'auteur: I absolutely understand your feeling. I still don't really know why I posted this drabble, to be honest. I mean, writing it seemed obvious to me, I had to write it, but sharing it? I am still pretty unsure. I probably needed it, but... I still don't know why, really. Anyway, thanks a lot for reading and reviewing in English, especially as you are saying nice things about my writing skills. Once again, I'm really touched, thank you!

Laissée par : dobbymcl le 26/03/2011 19:45 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
Poor Hermione, I like it. I know it is a short review but I am not sure about my english.

Réponse de l'auteur: Don't worry, your English seems good to me! Thank you for reading and reviewing in English even if you are not very comfortable with this language! :)

Laissée par : DarkLullaby le 24/03/2011 18:40 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
I will go to write a very short review because i've got a very bad english.
I love your texte, when i was reading your texte , i said " Yeah, i understand what she wants to say".
I think i haven't understand every details but i'm proud of me.
So, i will go to say to you Congratulations.
Hum, i hope you will understand.

I just want to know, who is this man ?

Réponse de l'auteur: No problem, I understand what you meant! It is really nice to read and review in English even if you are not very comfortable with this language! As for the man, in my mind he is Greyback, because when I read that part where they are brought to the Malfoy Manor in Deathly Hallows, all the things Greyback said to Hermione were just screaming "SEXUAL MEANING!" to me XD Thanks again! :D

Laissée par : Asianchoose le 24/03/2011 13:34 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
" Who is that terrible guy ?... maybe Scabior ?" she asked shyly, aware that her english is very bad.
It's very infrequent you write dark stories. It's kind of freaky... But I loved it =D even if, I'm also scared now XD

Réponse de l'auteur: You would be surprised at the amount of dark stories I've written. It's just that usually, I don't post them here, because they are probably more personnal than all of my comical stories put together... In my mind, the guy was Greyback because it's what is in the book, but if you base this story on the movie, yes, it would definitely be Scabior. I'm glad you liked this drabble anyway! Thanks a lot for reading and reviewing in English, it is very much appreciated!

Laissée par : litsiu le 24/03/2011 09:18 pour le chapitre Hermione is scared
I'm still trying to guess who he is... But well, whatever, I like it ;-)

Réponse de l'auteur: In my mind, he was Greyback. I'm sure you did not miss the sexual hints he made towards Hermione when she was brought to Malfoy Manor along with Ron, Harry, Dean and Griphook ;) Thanks for reading and reviewing in English, it is very much appreciated!

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