Résumé : To everyone, Malorie is the perfect pure blood, faithful to her noble rank, and she hates the Malefoy son.
But in fact, she is half bood, she hates her whole family except her Weasley cousins, and her best friend is called Hermione Granger. She hates her pug-nosed roommates Pansy and Millicent, and, worst of all, she is in love with Draco Malefoy.
Torn between frequent releases of woodcoks, the madness of transsexual owls, challenges, love potions and her own thoughts, Malorie Moon tries to survive the last nine days of her schooling in Hogwards, in the madness that follows the desappearance of Voldemort.

Image de Mélie
Public : Tout public
Catégorie : Epoque de Harry, Romione (Ron/Hermione), Autres couples (Het)
Personnages : Drago Malefoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Genres: Comédie/Humour, Romance/Amour
Langue: Anglais
Warnings: Aucun
Challenge: Aucun
Series: Cinq femmes... des Moon
Nombre de chapitres : 15 (Terminé : Oui)
Nombre de mots : 60801, Nombre de lectures : 16869
Publiée depuis le 23/03/2008 (dernière mise à jour le 03/09/2008)
Cette fic est la traduction de Malorie Moon, 9jours.

2. Chapter 2: Second day, the challenge. [1 Reviews] (4194 words)
3. Chapter 3: Third day, the love potion. [2 Reviews] (3789 words)
4. Chapter 4: Fourth day: A surprising offer [0 Reviews] (4202 words)
5. Chapter 5: Fifth day: Miss Pimpernel. [1 Reviews] (3377 words)
6. Chapter 6: Fifth day: The detention. [0 Reviews] (3810 words)
7. Chapter 7: Sixth day: The interview. [0 Reviews] (3466 words)
8. Chapter 8: Sixth day: ConversationS. [0 Reviews] (5554 words)
9. Chapter 9: Seventh day: The (first) snappings. [0 Reviews] (4000 words)
10. Chapter 10: Seventh day : Lemon tart. [0 Reviews] (3796 words)
11. Chapter 11: Eighth day : The results. [0 Reviews] (4253 words)
12. Chapter 12: Eighth day: Dumbledore’s statue [0 Reviews] (5059 words)
13. Chapter 13: Ninth day: Packing. [0 Reviews] (3401 words)
14. Chapter 14: Farewell, Hogwarts. [0 Reviews] (4543 words)
15. Chapter 15: Ninth day: Tonio Jones. [0 Reviews] (4943 words)